Week 3 Discussion Groups

This week in group discussions, you should be talking about the readings and your concept papers. The readings should definitely be more accessible this time around, and I imagine you’ll have a lot to discuss in relation to them.

Talk about the Material

In your groups, I encourage you to find connections, share your experiences with the concepts, and think through implications.

Here are also a few optional starter questions if you’re having trouble deciding on something to discuss in your groups or to talk about in the dialectical journals. Again, you don’t have to talk about these questions, so if you’d rather discuss something else about the course content, please do! I am listing these here just in case you would like some suggestions.

  • Can you think of a specific time when you failed to achieve stasis? Or perhaps a time looking back when an argument or debate was actually an issue of stasis, but you didn’t realize it at the time? (Or even present conversations that are an issue of stasis?)
  • Which of the rhetorical fallacies are you most familiar with? In which context? Which frustrate you the most? Why?
  • How do you think knowing about stasis and fallacies can influence your writing, or your understanding of writing as a whole?

Discuss Concept Paper Ideas and Proposal

This week, I want to encourage you to take some time in your groups to keep talking about the Concept Paper, how it’s going and what issues or concerns you have. This is a great opportunity to really think about the structure and approach that you’re taking and get some feedback about that.

Follow Up from Last Week

Things have largely settled down now (at least in terms of enrollment and other logistical issues for the class), but there may be a couple loose ends to address.
