
Discussion Groups and Participation Notebooks

Participation notebooks are due once per week, by the end of the day Sunday.

11:00 Groups
(Also located in our Shared Google Drive Folder)

3:30 Groups
(Also located in our Shared Google Drive Folder)

What are Discussion Groups?

At the beginning of the quarter we’ll be sorting people into small discussion groups. (There should be 3-5 people in each group.) You’ll be meeting with your group once a week, during our Wednesday class time.

What Happens in Discussion Groups

As the name implies, you’ll primarily be using these discussion groups to discuss things – mainly the course content, including readings, videos, websites, etc. Sometimes I’ll also ask you to do specific things during your group meetings, like talk about assignment prompts, workshop drafts, and so on. Mostly, however, you’ll just be working with your group members to talk about the course material and help each other understand and make connections (both as writers and as people).

Your success in any course (and more generally, with anything in life) depends upon your active participation. Participation can take many forms, though, and we all learn (and thus participate) in unique ways. For instance, making space for every participant in a conversation to speak can sometimes be more valuable than taking the lead yourself. Participation in dialogue means not just speaking up often but also listening to and talking directly with your peers (asking them questions, extending their ideas, reconsidering your own point of view in terms of what they say, helping create an environment where everyone feels empowered to learn from one another).

The Logistics of Discussion Groups

Your participation grade will be based on a participation notebook that you will write in once a week (after you meet in small groups). In this document, you will always respond to the following two questions:

  • What was your most meaningful moment of participation in your small group this week? Why?
  • What questions or concerns do you have that you didn’t get to share? (This question is optional.)

The meetings you have with your small group and these notebooks will constitute a significant element of your participation in this course.

If you address the two questions above with evidence of good-faith effort (writing roughly a paragraph or two that demonstrates you actually talked with your group and then thought about that conversation) and complete any additional work for the week (initial thoughts activities, proposals, peer review, etc.), your participation notebook will be considered “complete.”

How to Submit this Work

We’ll be using a Shared Class Google Drive this quarter, which is where all of your writing assignments will be submitted. In that folder, you can create a single document labeled, “Participation Notebook” that you add to on a weekly basis, or you can create individual documents for each week (which you should name “Week 1” or something along those lines). As long as it is in your Individual Folder in our Shared Class Drive, you should be good to go. (If you would like a more private option for your Participation Notebook, please just let me know. That is also an option.)

Participation notebooks are due every week by the end of the day Sunday.

(adapted from Palmeri and Dubisar’s “Participation as Reflective Practice“)
